marijuana election results

Marijuana Election Results 2020

As of November 5, 2020 there still is not a clear winner of the Presidential election in the United States. Having said that, after viewing the marijuana election results across America one thing is certainly clear: marijuana and cannabis victories have swept the nation.

There were 11 separate cannabis and drug reform measures across 7 states in 2020. The states included Arizona, DC, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, Oregon, and South Dakota. In Mississippi, voters chose between two different measures and ultimately decided on the measure which was less restrictive. One notable win came out of South Dakota where voters approved both recreational and medical cannabis in the same election (making this a first for the nation).

According to Erik Altieri, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, “These results once again illustrate that support for legalization extends across geographic and demographic lines.” In just ten years marijuana went from being an illegal drug in all 50 states to gaining approval for recreational use in 15 states, two territories, and Washington D.C., and with 34 states and two territories allowing the use of medical marijuana.

Voters in the U.S. have made it very clear! The marijuana election results have shown that Americans favor the end of marijuana prohibition in place of legalization, regulation, taxation, and public education.

Want to learn more about the marijuana prohibition in Arkansas? Check out our previous post: History of Medical Marijuana in Arkansas